Saturday, July 30, 2011

What Should A Heavy Metal Rock Star Look Like?

Made some friends at the Canadian embassy. Who would be at a Canadian embassy? Chinese, Indian, Latin American, and Middle Easterners. The rest of the world doesn't need a VISA to visit Canada. Go figure.

Indian dude asked me out. Never dated Indian guys before. Based on the fact that AJ (Indian) is among one of those nicest guys that are about to extinct, I thought I'd give it a try.

Conversations went really well with Aruna. A 3 hour planned date turned into a full day activity. He was fun, passionate, spontaneous, and we had a lot in common. Under the influence of alcohol and crappy Irish music, I kissed him. The kiss was also passionate, a little too passionate, he started to bite my lips. "I don't like kissing in public" I said and stopped him from biting my lips off. What are you a squirrel?

Aruna told me, he puts all the money he makes at Goldman Sachs into a recording studio in his apartment. Aruna used to be in a band in India, and they signed Sony. Now he's not in a band, but he wants to launch his music soon.

So I said "Why don't we go Karaoke now?!"

Aruna was really good at the first two songs. He was soft, he can go high, and low, and again, passionate. Very charming.

As he warmed up, he started to sing heavy metal songs, such as Paradise City. I was just starting to enjoy it, all of a sudden, he started screaming, like a rock star. No break, just screaming all the way.

I looked at the screen, and listened to Aruna screaming. Hmmm, really sexy rock star voice. Sounds like he would be very strong and take charge in bed. Then I turned to look at Aruna. He's an Indian! And he's screaming and jumping around! My head got confused. Indian singing heavy metal? I can't connect the two. Call me racist, but I just can't build the connection. Indian and heavy I can't.

I got scared and suggested leaving. Aruna was about to burn a hole in his throat anyway.

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