Saturday, July 30, 2011

Paul Van Dyke

What a great night with Paul Van Dyke!

Cranberry vodka on the rocks, and not good. But it kept me dancing.

Dude with sunglasses approaches, so we dance. Boy wanted a kiss, so I removed his sunglasses to take a good look at his face. Meh, maybe not. Hell, what if he's a good kisser. So I let him kiss me. His tongue tastes like a large amount of garlic. "I have to hang out with my friends" I said as I was leaving.

Guy next to me says, "I can't believe you let him kiss you. He's totally not for you." Then he makes his move. "Where do you live?" "I live in XXX." "For real? I live in XXX too!" "Two blocks away!" "No way!" "I have to hang out with my friends"

Ran into the third guy, who is a step up from the first two. He has cute dimples. "Where do you live?" "I live in XXX." "For real? I live in XXX too!" "Two blocks away!" "No way!" "I have to hang out with my friends"

Why the hell did I come all the way to avoid male in my neighborhood, and yet ended up being attractive only to them (and some heavy garlic eater)?

Looking forward to Paul Van Dyke's next concert at a different location. Amen!

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