Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bush or No Bush

Bambi was schooled by two Easter European lately about her pubic hairstyle, which is considered as the "Pre 1975" style: no shave what-so-ever.

It raised some serious challenges against the life value she was born with: Women should not be shaving for the sake of men's pleasure.

Regardless, this has been the top of her research list, trying to find a reason to convince herself it's bad to shave, or the other way around. Right now, she is leaning towards neither.

Bambi stayed over at my place last night. As I was making us some late night snacks, I scratched my crotch (outside my pants. I pay attention to hygiene when I cook.).

Bambi: Why are you scratching?
Me: Coz it's growing out.
Bambi: Can I see it? You don't have to, but I'm curious at what length you start to itch.
Me: OK.
Bambi: Can you lower your panties a little more? I want to see what it's like down there.
Me: OK.
Bambi: Does it hurt down there when the hair gets just long enough to poke the middle part?
Me: No. The meat in the middle is cuddled by the meat on the side, and there are gaps, so the hair won't reach the middle.
Bambi: Hmmm. Everyone's vagina is not designed the same though.
Me: True. Maybe you can interview a few others, and get an average point of view.
Bambi: Good idea.

The next day we realized it was absolutely gay and gross, but completely understandable and acceptable.

Bambi, for your reference, here's the history of pubic hairstyle:
Also, some helpful information from WikiPedia:
"It is unusual for pubic hair to be dyed or painted, except incidentally to bodypainting, but although concerns have been raised about the safety of using regular hair dye for this purpose, dye has been formulated so that women may match their pubic hair either to match the (dyed) hair on their heads (colloquially referred to as 'matching the carpet to the drapes' or 'collar and cuffs'), or in whimsical colours."

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